Tag: dnd 5e

D&D Playbook: Master 10 D&D Combat Improvments!

Do your monsters bore you? Are your fights uninteresting? I’ve run into this problem. It is an issue plaguing many DMs. However, it is easy to fix. I stopped doing the minimum. I made a list of criteria, looked at each encounter, and decided if it was missing things from that. So take a page…

Take a Page from my Book: 10 Best D&D Spell Scrolls

Dungeons Masters, have you ever wanted to fill up a hoard, but had no clue what to put in it? Did you stare at the pages and nothing jumped out at you? Sure, you’re adding in more potions now, but it still isn’t quite varied enough. What do you do? What else is there? Let…

Take a Page from my Book: 10 Best D&D Potions

It sucks when players don’t like their loot, doesn’t it? As Dungeons and Dragons players adventure and quest, they invariably gain more magical gear. It’s exciting! Eventually, though, they’ll get something nobody’s interested in having. Maybe that’s just how things turned out? Maybe you thought it’d be neat for them to find a magic pick…

Playing to the Hilt: Orcs

Dungeons and Dragons, even fantasy in general, has few villains more iconic than the classic orc. If goblins are the weak fodder, orcs are the monstrous marauders bent on pillaging and plundering. Recent trends have shown an effort to make orcs grow beyond that standard. That’s all well and good, namely for newer settings. However,…

Playing to the Hilt: Goblins

Among fantasy, and Dungeons and Dragons specifically, goblins have played a simple role. Namely, they’re fodder for fledgling adventurers to cut through. They are the mean, crude, destructive little creatures and most common folk would be far happier without them. And yet, there’s a strong appeal to them. A sort of mischievousness is implicit in…

Playing to the Hilt: Half-elves

With so many fantasy races to play, you can often feel conflicted about which one to be. Sometimes you want the grace and power of an elf, but with a little more flexibility, a little more human. Sometimes you want the endless possibilities that comes with humanity, but just a little more specialized and exotic….

Catering to 5th Edition: A Mythic Odysseys of Theros Review

Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica was a success. It brought Magic the Gathering together with Dungeons and Dragons figuratively and almost literally. From Magic it took its lore and trappings and supported it with D&D’s game mechanics, most notably an often overlooked guild mechanic from the Dungeon Masters Guide. With one Magic setting a success, it…

Catering to 5th Edition: A Mordenkain’s Tome of Foes Review

In the earlier days of Dungeons and Dragons, the first players established many signature characters that are still referenced in D&D today. This is namely due to those initial adventurers asking about spells they could invent. Bigby, Melf, Evard, Tasha, all key characters in D&D lore, though one other eclipses them all. That character was…

Catering to 5th Edition: A Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Review

The Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide and Volo’s Guide to Monsters were very satisfying to Dungeon Masters making campaigns and to players making characters, but even so, their hunger for new content returns. More so for the players who were more accustomed to regular releases of new content of the previous two editions. Enter Xanathar’s Guide…

Catering to 5th Edition: A Volo’s Guide to Monsters Review

When it comes to D&D, players’ eyes are never bigger than their stomachs. They always welcome new options with open arms. Volo’s Guide to Monsters is no exception. As a whole, it supplements both Dungeon Masters and players, but leans far more heavily into the Dungeon Master’s side of things. Regardless, is its flavor, crunch,…