Playing to the Hilt: Gnomes

Branching off of the more classical fantasy races, gnomes in Dungeons and Dragons can be easily written off as being knock-off halflings or shrimpy elves. Few people give them much mind beyond that, as they’re even harder to find than halflings. But what is there to them, really? In this post I’ll provide exactly what…

Playing to the Hilt: Halflings

A lesser known, but equally important race, halflings are a more diminutive folk who often stand in the shadows of other races. A common misconception of halflings paints them as lazy, gluttonous, bumpkins who aren’t good for much at best and might pick your pockets at worst. This is an unfair assessment and occasionally is…

Playing to the Hilt: Dwarves

Dwarves are another fantasy classic. The typical perception of a dwarf boils them down to hairy, angry, short drunkards with a greedy streak and Scottish accent. While, there is a kernel of truth to this, dwarves can be so much more. Hidden beneath all that hair lies a core of heartiness that expresses itself in…

Playing to the Hilt: Elves

In wild forests, in lost towers, and even in the darkest depths of the world (and beyond) live one of the most iconic races in all of fantasy. Elves are as varied as their lifespan is long but all share in common certain magical traits and outlooks that more mundane men lack. It isn’t the…

Catering to 5th Edition: A Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Review

Heroes are a staple of Dungeons and Dragons. The ongoing adventures of Drizz’t Do’Urden, the meddling of Volothamp Geddarm, the balance obsessed Mordenkainen, all iconic heroes in their own rights. But what of villains? Strahd von Zarovich is arguably the greatest vampire ever, Asmodeus rules the 9 Hells, Tiamat, the five headed dragon goddess, is…

Catering to 5th Edition: A Mythic Odysseys of Theros Review

Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica was a success. It brought Magic the Gathering together with Dungeons and Dragons figuratively and almost literally. From Magic it took its lore and trappings and supported it with D&D’s game mechanics, most notably an often overlooked guild mechanic from the Dungeon Masters Guide. With one Magic setting a success, it…

Catering to 5th Edition: A Eberron: Rising From The Last War Review

Most fantasy tropes in the modern day draw heavily upon the standards set by Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series. Dungeons and Dragons was no different. As a result, many of its settings share similarities. Elves are generally good, use magic, and live in the woods. Dwarves are burly, industrious, and enjoy underground homes. Goblins…

Catering to 5th Edition: An Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount Review

Dungeons and Dragons has had a resurgence in recent years. This was due, in no small part, to a group of streamers who just decided to broadcast their games. The selling point? All of the people involved were experienced and successful actors and all of them brought their skills to their portrayals of their characters….

Catering to 5th Edition: A Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica Review

Most people don’t think much about trading card games. Some dismiss them as a waste of money, some lose interest shortly after starting, and some can’t get interested in it at all. Magic the Gathering has survived over two decades and stood the test of time. Why mention it? What purpose does it serve? Part…

Catering to 5th Edition: A Mordenkain’s Tome of Foes Review

In the earlier days of Dungeons and Dragons, the first players established many signature characters that are still referenced in D&D today. This is namely due to those initial adventurers asking about spells they could invent. Bigby, Melf, Evard, Tasha, all key characters in D&D lore, though one other eclipses them all. That character was…